Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Infomercial something to Sell But Not Pay For

There have been many suspicions about Joe the Plumber, and why he became the chosen one of the Republican Party.

There were rumors circulating that he may have ties to the Keating 5, which has yet to be proven. Well today Sarah confirmed that she does have ties to Joe the Plumber. Sarah called Joe the Plumber, "a fellow Alaskan".

"He’s a fellow Alaskan, and he’s a fellow military man who served our country proudly," Ms. Palin said. "I’d like you to meet him! Please welcome Joe the Plumber!"

I find it rather interesting that she questions if Sen.Obama going to change the Constitution to bring about change when is apart of an group that wants to see Alaska to seperate from our nation. And was it not Huckabee who said he would change the Constitution if needed ?

Mr. Wurzelbacher, dressed in a checked shirt and jeans, made no comments during the rally, and simply stood, with his hands clasped, at Ms. Palin’s side.

But Mr. Della Croce said he can easily envision Mr. Wurzelbacher giving inspirational speeches, appearing on television, profiting from licensed merchandise that uses his name or image and endorsing products.

McCain has called Sen. Obama Broadcast infomercial with something to sell when he’s selling Joe the Plumber. Would not have been surprised to see Joe the Plumber the next G.I Joe and Palin the next Barbee doll.

Add this to the fact that McCain’s about to do the same thing. 'Buyer Beware,' Says McCain Campaign.

But even before it aired, Obama's advertisement had been widely panned by the Republican ticket.

Today, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., criticized the infomercial to reporters calling it a "gauzy, feel-good commercial."

He then added that the commercial was "paid for with broken promises," referring to a pledge Obama made to accept public financing for his campaign.
In contrast remember McCain's commercial was not paid for at all.

The only Difference Sen. Obama paid for his time to inform the people. And McCain’s whole Campaign has been the way to solve the issues is from an “Psychological Impact”

CNN gives McCain a *free* hour to respond to Obama's paid ad

That's right: Not only is CNN giving McCain an hour for free tonight, on its most-watched program, but CNN refused to air Obama's half-hour ad even though Obama is paying for it

The issue here is CNN is a public news media whos job it it to put out the news with out bias.

This brings up other issues that should be explored as others promoted things as fact that where not true that lead us into a war. Should they not be held accountable as well.
Who's in bed with the media ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is This McCain's Oct. Surprise ???

McCain has tried to put out we just don't know enough about Sen. Obama couple this with the lack of venting on Sara Palin.

Add to the fact that The campaign sent out its media itinerary for yesterday's bus tour through the Sunshine State and three times it referred to its "Joe the Plummer" tour.
When hes not a licened Plummer owes & back taxes .

Joe the Plumber’ may consider running for Congress in 2010.
Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher told Laura Ingraham, in an appearance on her show Friday, he’d consider it.

Wurzelbacher would be challenging longtime Rep. Marcy Kaptur

Joe the Plumber was once Joe the Alaskan (are you surprised?)

Questions began flying about a a possible Doug-and-Joe connection and whether Joe, who confronted Obama in front of television cameras in Ohio, was a plant.

Now we have a Republican operative, apparently an up-and-comer in the GOP ranks, who calls in a false report about a black man mugging and then carving a backwards "b" in her face with a knife.

A McCain-Palin campaign volunteer who claimed she was robbed and cut by a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama confessed Friday to making up the story, Pittsburgh police said.
Ashley Todd, 20, of College Station, Texas, is charged with filing a false police report. She told investigators she has had psychological issues in the past, according to Assistant Chief Maurita Bryant. Police said she was taken to an undisclosed hospital for a psychological evaluation

McCain Communications Director Gave Reporters Incendiary Version Of "Carved B" Story Before Facts Were Known

John McCain's Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established -- and even told reporters outright that the "B" carved into the victim's cheek stood for "Barack," according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.

John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, "You're with the McCain campaign? I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Verrilli also told TPM that the McCain spokesperson had claimed that the "B" stood for Barack. According to Verrilli, the spokesperson also told KDKA that Sarah Palin had called the victim of the alleged attack, who has since admitted the story was a hoax.

The KDKA reporter had called McCain's campaign office for details after seeing the story -- sans details -- teased on Drudge.

The McCain spokesperson's claims -- which came in the midst of extraordinary and heated conversations late yesterday between the McCain campaign, local TV stations, and the Obama camp, as the early version of the story rocketed around the political world -- is significant because it reveals a McCain official pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than the available or confirmed facts permitted at the time.

The claims to KDKA from the McCain campaign were included in an early story that ran late yesterday on KDKA's Web site. The paragraphs containing these assertions were quickly removed from the story after the Obama campaign privately complained that KDKA was letting the McCain campaign spin a racially-charged version of the story before the facts had been established, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

The story with the removed grafs is still right here. We preserved the three missing grafs from yesterday:
A source familiar with what happened yesterday confirmed that the unnamed spokesperson was communications director Peter Feldman.

Feldman was also quoted yesterday making virtually identical assertions on the Web site of another local TV station, WPXI. But those quotes, which we also preserved here, are also no longer available on WPXI's site, for reasons that are unclear.

This is problematic because the McCain campaign doesn't want to have been perceived as pushing an incendiary story that not only turned out to be a hoax but which police officials said today risked blowing up into a "national incident" and has local police preparing to file charges against the hoaxster.

There's no evidence that anyone from McCain national headquarters put out a version of events like this.

After the story appeared on KDKA's site and this and other pieces in the local press started flying around the political world, an Obama spokesperson in the state angrily insisted to KDKA that it was irresponsible for the station to air the McCain spokesperson's incendiary version of events before the facts were fully known, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.
After that, KDKA went back to McCain's Pennsylvania spokesperson, Feldman, and asked if he stood by the story as he'd earlier told it, but he started backing off the story, a source familiar with the talks says. That prompted KDKA to remove the grafs.

Feldman couldn't immediately be reached, and a McCain HQ spokesperson declined to comment.

Police: McCain volunteer made up ATM robbery story

Why McCain will have to wear Ashley Todd’s scarlet letter

Here’s the question of the day: How did the entire blogosphere and twitterverse know intuitively that Ashley Todd was some imbalanced attention-seeker almost immediately after the story broke but John McCain, Sara Palin and their top staff did not?

Predictably, the liberal bloggers and tweeters were calling bullshit as soon as they heard Todd’s tale of getting mugged and having a backwards “B” carved scratched into her cheek while she was somewhere on the “wrong side” of Pittsburgh.

The B, presumably, was for “Barack.” The mugger, a tallish, thinnish black man (apparently dyslexic) became enraged after he noticed that Todd, a McCain campaign worker, had a McCain bumper sticker on her car.
Of course, everyone knew it was a lie just by looking at the picture of her “disfigured” face posted at Smoking Gun.

Why would the mugger carve a backwards B? And why did he take extra care not to break her skin with his knife after violently punching, kicking and throwing her to the ground?

I mean even conservative blogger Michelle Malkin called Todd out with a blog post that thought the story too odd to believe. However, many of Malkin’s conservative cohorts couldn’t resist fanning the flames of racial hysteria.

Jay Bookman with the AJC has a roundup of the dimwits hollering about the “thuggery” of Obama’s campaign.

They weren’t alone. Some mainstream media outlets were running with the story, despite the fact that the story couldn’t pass the smell test of any first-year journalism student.

Despite the doubts that were burning up the Internet, McCain and Palin both reportedly called Todd and her family to offer their support and sympathy. And lower down on the totem pole, McCain’s Pennsylvania communications director Peter Feldman apparently did his best to make sure the story got mainstream media attention.

TPM describes Feldman’s role in pushing the story:

John McCain’s Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established — and even told reporters outright that the “B” carved into the victim’s cheek stood for “Barack,” according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.

One presumes that the decision for the candidates to call Todd was made at the highest levels of the campaign, though at this point, that might be giving the dysfunctional McCain camp too much credit.

You almost can’t blame McCain or Palin for making the call.

They have extreme demands on their time and they certainly don’t have time to be surfing the web and reading all the back and forth discussion that was taking place about this story.

I’m assuming that they wouldn’t call Todd without first getting briefed by chief strategist Steve Schmidt or campaign manager Rick Davis, or at the very least, one of their top lieutenants.

This is a situation where you trust that your staff has vetted Todd’s story and realizes the potential blowback if it turns out she’s a psychologically-troubled young lady with a history of making things up.

Once again, team McCain failed. Perhaps not an Epic Fail (Fox News Executive VP John Moody, in an otherwise ridiculous attempt to link Obama politically to the alleged incident, went so far to say if the incident was a hoax, it was game over for McCain) but an embarrassing moment, nonetheless, which adds just another unwanted distraction to an already chaotic campaign.

Here’s what some other bloggers are saying:

Kos @ The Daily Kos:
The story was instantly suspect, as the pictures of her supposed beating, her Twitter account, and her timelines all patently contradicted themselves. But the wingnutosphere, with the healthy assist from Fox News, piled on anyway, letting their ideological blinders get in the way of reality. As usual.
And now they look like idiots. As usual.

As for Ms. Ashley Todd, being a liar and race-baiter is par for the course for College Republicans.

Clinical psychologist Alan J. Lipman @ Head of State:
Anyone who understands the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder is well aware of what happened here. Extreme needs for attention combine with physically destructive behavior–most often seen in cutting one’s own skin–in an act meant to bring outer love and attention as it attacks inner self-hatred.

Shawn Williams @ Dallas South:
Introduce a black man to the story and you automatically get sympathy. That’s what happened to Ashley Todd as she was contacted by McCain, Palin, and apparently the Obama staff.

This is the race baiting that McCain has chosen to align himself. Race voting and fear mongering are his only chances for the White House.
B-Serious @ Jack and Jill Politics:

Thankfully, her lies didn’t work. But if they had . . . if she never confessed to the hoax . . . Pennsylvania voters would surely have been inundated with questions and imagery that stir some of the deepest and darkest emotions this country has ever known regarding race.

I doubt it would have been enough to flip the state. But it could have made things a lot closer.

I understand that she may have acted completely on her own. But I’m sure I’m not the only one with a few questions

Brian Williams: McCain Campaign Spread 'B' Hoax To Reporters

On Thursday, FOX News Executive VP John Moody wrote:
If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting.

The tone of FOX's coverage over the next 10 days will tell us whether or not Mr. Moody actually meant what he said.

But no matter what he or his network ends up doing, the words he spoke were the truth.

Up Date

Confirmed: Ashley Todd a paid CRNC organizer UPDATED X2
by dworth

Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 11:31:56 AM PDT

There still seems to be questions among even Kossacks as to whether is no longer any question that Ashley Todd was a paid organizer or not.

This has probably been covered, but since there's still confusion, I think we need to make sure this information is better distributed.
Today it was confirmed by Ethan Eioln of the CRNC (College Republican National Committee) that she was contracted to be paid $3,600 for her August to election day work.

So, case closed. Let's get this story back in the news cycle. The traditional media has now buried it, after only 3 days of coverage. We all know what would have happened if she were a liberal.

The CRNC is a 527 group with very close ties to the RNC.
The CRNC is clearly a major player for the Republican National Committee, receiving $25,000 from the RNC in 2002. The Center for Public Integrity also notes that most of the money raised by the group is spent on direct mail efforts and paying field representatives such as Todd.

So, this organizer was contracted for $3,600 (or $1,200 a month) for 3 months work as a College Republican organizer.
This should be on every news show in America tonight, on the cover of every single newspaper tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Mean to Tell Me She Don't Know

Fla. Sheriff Plays The “Hussein” Card At Palin Event; Campaign ...
Oct 6, 2008 ... Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott took the stage moments ago as one of the introductory speakers at a rally here for Sarah Palin.

Lee sheriff under federal investigation for stumping in uniform ...
Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott’s now infamous appearance at Republican vice ... rally (one that was televised locally at that), in uniform, taking the stage ...

Feds to look into Lee County Sheriff Scott's 'Hussein' Obama comment at Palin rally

A federal investigation is being opened into the actions and comments of Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott at a rally for Gov. Sarah Palin in Estero on Monday.

Erica S. Hamrick, senior attorney at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, said her office will be investigating under the Hatch Act, which governs political activities of certain elected officials.

The complainant stated the sheriff violated that act because the sheriff’s office receives federal money, engaged in political activity while on duty, engaged in political activity while in uniform, wore political buttons while on duty and used political influence or authority to interfere with an election. The U.S.

Office of Special Counsel addresses the Hatch Act as it pertains to local officials on their Web site, which states the following:“The Hatch Act applies to executive branch state and local employees who are principally employed in connection with programs financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States or a federal agency.

Employees who work for educational or research institutions which are supported in whole or in part by a State or political subdivision of the State are not covered by the provisions of the Hatch Act.

“Employees of private nonprofit organizations are covered by the Hatch Act only if the statute through which the organization receives its federal funds contains language which states that the organization shall be considered to be a state or local agency for purposes of the Hatch Act, e.g., Headstart and Community Service Block Grant statutes.

“An employee’s conduct is also subject to the laws of the state and the regulations of the employing agency. Additionally, employees should be aware that the prohibitions of the Hatch Act are not affected by state or local laws.”

Maybe this might help explain things.

Gothard cult's infiltration of law enforcement, part 1: An expose of Ray Nash

Gothard cult's infiltration of law enforcement, part 2: PDI Unmasked

Gothard cult's infiltration of law enforcement, part 3: A backdoor for dominionists

Uncommon Friends Foundation
We recognize and support the need to teach and model positive character traits ..... Mike Scott – Lee County Sheriff Elinor Scricca, Ph.D. – Board Member

A followup article on the audit showed that quite a lot of the money embezzled by Nash ended up going straight to Gothard's coffers.

Notice if you will.

CHARACTER EDUCATION We recognize and support the need to teach and model positive character traits to all children. Character Education is an product of Bill Gothard.

You might want to glance at the Board members and staff.

Liberty Youth Ranch
LEE COUNTY SHERIFF MIKE SCOTT JOINS LIBERTY YOUTH RANCH, BOARD OF ADVISORS ... - -Secretary Jerry Regier, Florida Department of Children and Families ...

TALLAHASSEE — Children and Families director Jerry Regier is using his fundamental Oklahoma roots to make employees of Florida’s embattled agency participate in mandatory character-training sessions.

Regier has contracted with Oklahoma City-based Character Training Institute. The nonprofit company, with direct ties to evangelist Bill Gothard, is providing the curriculum for some 1,750 agency workers in the Orlando region, which also includes Brevard County.

Regier made the material available to former Oklahoma deputy and current Orlando chief David Dennis.

George W. Bush and Ken Blackwell Gothard cult members, too

Education Reform or This is Their Education

This brings up the questions of how the mavericks plan on reforming the do nothing big spending Bush administration while keeping attachments to programs designed by those that would seem less than desired . Taking his money collected by his administration as well.

Both McCain & Palin talk of not knowing Obama trying to spread fear and distrust .

This is real very real. Bill Gothard EXPOSED! Review the other links here.

Sarah Palin, who has attacked Alaska Native Languages and Alaska Tribal Sovereignty, gave a speech at the Master's Commission on September 2nd, 2008,

Read dogemperor's "Sarah Palin used AK tax dollars to fund dominionist churches"

It has only one mission, to throw defeat in the face of the Devil and see God's people freed.
and the Master's Commission has a branch that Christianizes Alaskan Natives. Source

It has only one mission, to throw defeat in the face of the Devil and see God's people freed.
and the Master's Commission has a branch that Christianizes Alaskan Natives.

Although the Native Reservations of the lower 48 states may be off the beaten path, these tribes are easily accessible compared to the Native tribes of bush Alaska. Forgotten? Not by God! But the reality is reaching the indigenous people of this state is very difficult and very expensive!
Let's look at the speech and how she's attacked Alaska Native Languages and Alaska Tribal Sovereignty after briefly looking at the history of Missionary work in Alaska. Then, we'll look at "Palin's Pipeline"the TransCanada gas pipeline. The Master's Commission that Palin spoke to is continuing the old practice of Christianizing Indigenous People, and more than one denomination has proselytized Alaskan Natives since 1867. Source

Russian missionaries remained most successful among he Aleuts, although with the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867, the status of the church suddenly changed. Its missionaries continued to work among the Native people of Alaska even after it became a foreign land, but their influence declined in the late nineteenth century, as other denominations began proselytizing.

Intellectual snobbery has a price attached to it, and what it may cost with the Military Commissions Act as law and a Dominionist Vice President, are the peaceful yet firm measures needed to prevent that rise to power.

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she (Palin) exhorted the congregants

Palin's Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldview

But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God. And that's going to be your job. As I'm doing my job, let's strike this deal, your job is to going to be to be out there reaching the people, hurting people throughout Alaska, and we can work together to make sure that God's will be done here.
- snip -
So all you Master's Commission students and all of your supporters...and thank you so much for dedicating your lives to Jesus Christ! Thank you!

Text Transcript of Sarah Palin's Speech of June 8, 2008 at Master's Commission of Wasilla, Alaska

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, July 22 (Reuters) - Alaska's House of Representatives voted late on Tuesday to allow TransCanada Corp.(TRP.TO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) to build a massive pipeline to tap the vast natural gas resources of the state's North Slope region.
The chamber voted 24-16 in the state capital of Juneau for a bill backed by Governor Sarah Palin that would grant TransCanada a state license for a 1,700-mile (2,700 km) pipeline to bring the gas to North American markets.
- snip -
Palin, a Republican, has endorsed TransCanada's plan to build the pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to an existing hub on the Alberta-British Columbia border, shipping 4 billion cubic feet a day. She argues the company, as an independent pipeline operator, would free the state and the North Slope from the dominance of the major oil producers there -- BP (BP.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), ConocoPhillips (COP.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Exxon Mobil (XOM.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz).

Why doesn't she mention it's the TransCanada Pipeline?

Alaska House approves TransCanada gas pipeline

Alaska Natives have lost all fishing rights and all hunting rights, "Alaska Native peoples are among the only Indigenous peoples in all of North America whose Indigenous Hunting and Fishing Rights have been extinguished by federal legislation." Remember, "But the reality is reaching the indigenous people of this state is very difficult and very expensive!" Expensive to who?

Attorneys: Gov. Palin's record on Alaska Natives

Palin opposed subsistence preference.
"When asked about hunting and fishing rights, Palin said she did not want to amend the state constitution to allow preferences for certain Alaskans. 'I'm pro subsistence for all Alaskans,' she said, adding that she would seek to manage resources to provide 'abundance.'" Source

Palin has refused to accord proper respect to Alaska Native languages and voters by refusing to provide language assistance to Yup'ik speaking Alaska Native voters.

As a result, Palin was just ordered by a special three-judge panel of federal judges to provide various forms of voter assistance to Yup'ik voters residing in southwest Alaska. Nick v. Bethel, No. 3:07-cv-0098-TMB (D. Ak.) (Order entered July 30, 2008).

Citing years of State neglect, Palin was ordered to provide trained poll workers who are bilingual in English and Yup'ik; sample ballots in written Yup'ik; a written Yup'ik glossary of election terms; consultation with local Tribes to ensure the accuracy of Yup'ik translations; a Yup'ik language coordinator; and pre-election and post-election reports to the court to track the State's efforts.

Palin said, "your job is to going to be to be out there reaching the people, hurting people throughout Alaska, and we can work together to make sure that God's will be done here." Are we to take that to mean that Christianizing Native Alaskans, that attacking Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting, that attacking Alaska Native Languages, that attacking Alaska Tribal Sovereignty, and that attacking Alaska Native Subsistence Fishing is to have an international gas pipeline and to drill for oil? She needs to be asked who the "hurting people throughout Alaska" are that she was referring to.

If it was the following, the question would be answered in the affirmative.

Headlined on 9/11/08: An Alaska Native speaks out on Palin, Oil, and Alaska

I am writing this letter to raise awareness about the ongoing colonization and violation of human rights being carried out against Alaska Native peoples in the name of unsustainable progress, with a particular emphasis on the role of Sarah Palin and the Republican leadership. My hope is that it helps to elevate truth about the nature of Alaskan politics in relation to Alaska Native peoples and that it lays a framework for our path to justice.

Ever since the Russian claim to Alaska and the subsequent sale to the United States through the Treaty of Cession in 1867, the attitude and treatment towards Alaska Native peoples has been fairly consistent. We were initially referred to as less than human "uncivilized tribes", so we were excluded from any dialogues and decisions regarding our lands, lives, and status.

The dominating attitude within the Unites States at the time was called Manifest Destiny; that God had given Americans this great land to take from the Indians because they were non-Christian and incapable of self-government.

Over the years since that time, this framework for relating to Alaska Native peoples has become entrenched in the United States legislative and legal systems in an ongoing direct violation of our human rights.

Let me get specific about what is at stake and how this relates to Palin and the Republican leadership in Alaska and across this country.

To this day, Alaska Native peoples are among the only Indigenous peoples in all of North America whose Indigenous Hunting and Fishing Rights have been extinguished by federal legislation and yet we are the most dependent people on this way of life.

Seems to me I've read some where on a important Document we have rights to the pursuit of happiness.

"Most of our villages have no roads that connect them to cities" many live with poverty level incomes, and all rely to varying degrees on traditional hunting, fishing, and harvesting for survival.

One might ask where the bridge to no where was going when most other villages have no roads to connect them to cities?

This has become known as the debate on Alaska Native Subsistence.
"Hurting people throughout Alaska" is an all inclusive statement, and it's nothing new

Capitalism, Calvinism and Chauvinism

It's no coincidence that capitalism and Protestantism ascended simultaneously. Jean Calvin theologically discredited the feudal system in 1541, paving the way for an upwardly mobile merchant class to replace the landed aristocracy.

The genius of Calvin, observed sociologist Max Weber in 1904, was the creation of a new concept of God. Prior to this crucial paradigm shift, surplus wealth--i.e., capital--was expected to be donated to the Church.

Essentially, Calvinism was a variation of the chosen-race myth. Its key element was a spiritual "elect" whose elevated position is preordained. The only way one can know if he or she is among the Elect is by his or her level of worldly success[8]-- in other words, if you're rich, it's because God loves you.

The Puritans of Plymouth Bay were staunch Calvinists and their legacy remains powerful. "American culture, in particular, is thoroughly Calvinist...At the heart of the way Americans think and act, you'll find this fierce and imposing reformer. Source

Is this to be the type of reforming Palin's after?

At the same time, Christianity was forced on the Native Peoples by the missionaries. Indeed, it took a special act of Congress, the 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA), to affirm religious freedom for the Native nations. The law...

Palin said in her speech to the Master's Commission, whose goal is "to throw defeat in the face of the Devil and see God's people freed," "your job is to going to be to be out there reaching the people, hurting people throughout Alaska, and we can work together to make sure that God's will be done here."

This seems to be the stance she has taken during her campaging .

In addition, she has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting, attacked Alaska Native Languages, attacked Alaska Tribal Sovereignty, and attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Fishing while saying an international pipeline is God's will.

Consequently, that pipeline will run through sites that are sacred, but then again it's "God's will." The Master's Commission has a specific branch that Christianizes Alaskan Natives; we can safely assume that is also under her umbrella of "God's will."

To summarize, christianizing Indigenous People destroys the identity of that people so that their land can be stolen; and, that's easier on the consciences of the predators


Missionary Conquest By George E. Tinker

Our understanding is certainly deficient if we overlook the relationship between missions and the Euroamerican economic interests. It was the interest of the fur trading companies, for example, to support the missionary enterprise, since the missionaries contributed to the pacification of Indian Nations, thereby aiding and abetting the companies exploitation of Indians, Indian lands, and Indian resources. Sarah Palin: Alaskan Pipeline is "God's Will"

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Trying to head off a potentially embarrassing state ethics report on GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, campaign officials released their own report Thursday that clears her of any wrongdoing.

By MATT APUZZO (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated
PressOctober 09, 2008 11:40 PM EDT

Palin pre-empts state report, clears self in probe Note the dte and time.

This comes into play promoting issues as fact before the real facts our released.Much like Bush did as weapons of weapons of mass destruction to involve us in a war.

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat
President Bush Monday provided a comprehensive assessment of the threat ... Iraq's weapons of mass destruction are controlled by a murderous tyrant who has ...

Bush Vindicated: Weapons of Mass Reduction and Grass Destruction ...
Bush Vindicated: Weapons of Mass Reduction Found in Iraq! ... Though not formally classified as weapons of mass "destruction," Defense Secretary Donald

The real report due out today. Link will be posted here.

Sensitive Palin ethics report kept secret, for now


Latest Insanity: Palin Complains That She Wasn't Interviewed In Troopergate Investigation

A bombshell is coming out of the Alaska investigation into Troopergate, the scandal where Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is alleged to have committed abuses of power by using her office to try to fire her sister’s ex husband, an Alaska State Trooper.
The New York Times reports here that the Alaska State Legislature’s bipartisan investigation is unearthing evidence that Sarah Palin and her aides pressed then Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire Trooper Wooten repeatedly and when he refused, he was fired. According to the Times:
an examination of the case, based on interviews with Mr. Monegan and several top aides, indicates that, to a far greater degree than was previously known, the governor, her husband and her administration pressed the commissioner and his staff to get Mr. Wooten off the force, though without directly ordering it.
In all, the commissioner and his aides were contacted about Mr. Wooten three dozen times over 19 months by the governor, her husband and seven administration officials, interviews and documents show.
“To all of us, it was a campaign to get rid of him as a trooper and, at the very least, to smear the guy and give him a desk job somewhere,” said Kim Peterson, Mr. Monegan’s special assistant, who like several other aides spoke publicly about the matter for the first time.
Ms. Peterson, a 31-year veteran of state government who retired 10 days before Mr. Monegan’s firing, said she received about a dozen calls herself.
“It was very clear that someone from the governor’s office wanted him watched,” she said.

The Times goes on to talk about how Monegan’s successors were also pressured to take action against Wooten.
Yesterday, according to this AP article in Yahoo , Palin and the McCain campaign desperately tried to get around the upcoming findings of the investigation by, amazingly, issuing its own report on what happened without performing any real investigation.
So, who needs official investigations and criminal trials? Just issue a report declaring yourself innocent!
When viewed against the McCain campaign’s efforts to attack and derail the investigation into Troopergate, the new revelations raised by witnesses are dynamite and raise additional questions.

Did McCain and his campaign obstruct justice, or conspire to obstruct justice because they knew that Palin was guilty of these abuses of power?
Here is what we know about the McCain campaign’s role in the investigation. According to this article :
Alaska Republican State Senator Lyda Green … believes the McCain-Palin campaign has undermined the rule of law in the Last Frontier.
She says she has watched with outrage as McCain-Palin operatives have flown into her state and interfered with the so-called Troopergate investigation--the official, approved-by-the-legislature inquiry into whether Palin dismissed her public safety commissioner because he refused to fire her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper who went through a messy divorce with Palin's sister.

Calling herself a "raging Republican," Green says, she is "absolutely disgusted, embarrassed, and ashamed" by the McCain-Palin campaign's intervention in the Troopergate probe.
Over a week ago, McCain campaign aides began handling the investigation for Palin.
The campaign dispatched Edward O'Callaghan, who recently had been a terrorism prosecutor in the Justice Department, to Alaska to oversee Palin's legal strategy.
O'Callaghan then declared she would not cooperate with the inquiry.
(Before becoming the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin had repeatedly vowed to cooperate. At one point, she said, "I'm happy to comply, to cooperate. I have absolutely nothing to hide.") And last Thursday, O'Callaghan announced that Palin's husband, Todd, would not heed a subpoena to appear before a state legislative committee to testify about his role in Troopergate....Ever since the McCain operatives became involved, the pushback against the investigation has been fierce.
Five Republican legislators filed a lawsuit to stop the investigation, which had been unanimously endorsed by a bipartisan council of the state House and Senate. They claimed the probe was "a 'McCarthyistic' investigation" and was compromised because Democrats who supported the investigation were Obama backers.
A Texas-based conservative legal outfit called the Liberty Legal Institute has been representing these lawmakers. Six Alaskan residents filed a similar but separate lawsuit.
And the Republican Speaker of the House, John Harris, stepped back from his previous endorsement of the investigation.

If you examine the laws concerning obstruction of justice and witness tampering, it looks like the McCain campaign and the operatives it sent to Alaska may very well be guilty of these felonies. They did everything they could to impede the Alaska state legislature from performing its duties in investigating possible wrongdoing by Governor Palin.

What is coming to light in the Troopergate investigation may also explain why McCain and Palin are throwing so much mud at this stage of the campaign. They are hoping that attacking Obama will blunt the impact of the Troopergate findings.
There are many sins the American people will forgive, but abusing the power of your office to carry out personal vendettas is not one of them.
Obstructing justice in these investigations is also not something the people are likely to forgive.
An independent Federal Counsel should be named to investigate the actions by the McCain campaign in the Troopergate scandal, people should take a close look at these actions by the McCain campaign, and decide if actions like these undertaken by Palin and McCain and the rest of the campaign show the character worthy of the highest offices in the land.

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Legislative Panel: Palin Abused Authority

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Public Report

The facts a bit different than that put out by McCain/Palin's campaign.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

'Palling Around with terrorists'

Sarah Palin on Saturday accused Democrat Barack Obama of 'palling around with terrorists'
I can not help but wonder what she would call these connections?

Palin, Gothard, and dog-whistles to dominionists
Sarah Palin used AK tax dollars to fund dominionist churches
Palin's Christianity
Cult of Character

WHY would Palin refuse to fund rape kits? and her connection to Bill Gothard?

I would like her to come out and address the connection to a group that would like to see Alaska not be part of the U.S.

The Independence Party, which sees as its ultimate goal seceding from the union. Todd [Palin, Sarah's husband] was a member, with a brief exception, from 1995 until 2002, according to the Division of Elections in .
And though herself was apparently not a member of this group, there’s no doubt that she repeatedly courted this secessionist organization over the years. In 1994, Palin attended the group’s annual , according to witnesses who spoke to News’ Jake Tapper. The has confirmed she visited the group’s 2000 , and she addressed its this year, as an incumbent governor whose oath of office includes upholding the Constitution of the United States.

Palin herself has a very personal association with the America-hating Alaska Secessionist Party (AIP)…a group whose founder damned America and cursed the flag, and was later murdered in a “plastic explosives sale gone bad.

In thinking about this development McCain himself having a whole rogue's gallery of crooks that he's associated with here in Fl. alone. Not to mention the questions with like money bundlers.

Guilt by Association Game

The whole attack line seems to be more of an effort to distract voters from the financial crisis and the Republican's support for President George W. Bush's economic policies.

And the lack of explanation of how one can fight the good old boy big spending do nothing Bush administration while taking money raised from it for his campaign.

The Cookie Jar Donation

The GOP plans to file a fund-raising complaint against Barack Obama, as the Democratic White House contender’s campaign branded rival John McCain “erratic” in a new TV ad.The Republican National Committee yesterday said it would file the complaint against Obama’s presidential campaign today, alleging it has accepted donations that exceed federal limits as well as illegal contributions from foreigners. While they are doing that maybe they would like to take a look at McCain's money bundlers .

While they our at it investigate McCain's from foreigner money bundlers.

FEC Examines McCain’s Excessive Donors

Why McCain's Time With Council Of World Freedom Matters

Red Flag Surrender of Our Economy

Democrats: Call off Feeney fundraiser

Here are some of the most prominent ones. Not to mention the out come of the investigation on Saraha Palin has yet to come out yet and his connections to groups like those above.

Joseph “Joe Bananas” Bonano:In 1995, McCain sent birthday regards, and regrets for not attending, to Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonano, the head of the New York Bonano crime family, who had retired to Arizona. Another politician to send regrets was Governor Fife Symington, who has since been kicked out of office and convicted of 7 felonies relating to fraud and extortion.

Donald R. Diamond:

McCain has done political favors for real estate developer Donald R. Diamond. McCain stepped in to use his official clout to facilitate a sale of land that Diamond had wanted to obtain. Diamond got help through red tape in dealing with the Department of the Army because Mr. Diamond “had been very active with Senator McCain,” a partner said in a deposition.

For McCain, who has staked two presidential campaigns on pledges to avoid even the appearance of corruption, this is another instance, like the Keating 5 Scandal in which McCain dispensed official favors for Mr. Diamond, a longtime political campaign donor of McCain’s and one of an elite group of donors called “Innovators,” because he raised more than $250,000 for McCain’s campaign. Mr. Diamond invites public officials aboard his flotilla of yachts and specializes in deals with the members of government in exchange for campaign donations.

His wife, Cindy McCain, along with her father who made a $359,000 investment in retail property owned by Charles Keating in 1986, a year before John McCain first met with federal regulators on behalf of Keating. Keating was later convicted on 73 counts of fraud, conspiracy, and other crimes. Years later, Cindy McCain sold her investment for $15,000,000also shows a connection.

Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ) indicted for extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges related to a land deal in Arizona, according to the Associated Press. Renzi and two former business partners were accused of conspiring to promote the sale of land that buyers could swap for property owned by the federal government.”

Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ) was co-chair of McCain’s Arizona campaign (i.e., a member of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) “National Leadership Team” and a co-chair of his Arizona Leadership Team). Renzi has been in the past a "good friend" of John McCain and they were seen together often.

Charles Keating. Then there is the Keating 5 Scandal and Charles Keating’s notorious friendship and association with John McCain back in the 1980’s. During the Keating Five affair Keating had made contributions of about $1.3 million to various U.S. Senators involved, including John McCain, and Keating had called on those Senators to help him resist regulators in exchange for the money. McCain and the other Senators got the regulators to back off, to later trigger the Savings and Loan Scandal which cost the taxpayer BILLIONS. Cindy’s dad the Budweiser Brewery kingpin also has special dealings with Keating.

Lobbyists on his campaign staff. By one count, McCain has at least 159 lobbyists, on leave from their firms, running his campaign operation. It’s why McCain has defended lobbyists and the lobbying industry over and over again.

Vicki Iseman and her association with Paxon Telecom. McCain denied that he'd ever had an affair, much less a meeting with comely lobbyist Vicki Iseman and her client Lowell Paxon, even though he had been warned by his staff to back off for the sake of his risking public exposure of his being seen too often with Ms. Iseman. McCain denied he had any frequent association with Ms Iseman, even though he had admitted it in a legal deposition.

Richard Quinn. In the 2000 presidential primary, all the time he was blasting George W. Bush for campaigning at Bob Jones University, McCain himself was paying $20,000 a month to South Carolina political consultant Richard Quinn, a neo-Confederate revanchist who was one of the leaders of the state's pro-flag faction.

Quinn was editor in chief of Southern Partisan, a magazine that published apologias for slavery and sold paraphernalia celebrating the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Quinn himself once advocated voting for David Duke.

The day after the South Carolina 2000 primary, McCain didn't distance himself from Quinn. Instead, he professed ignorance about Quinn's writings, just as Bush did about Bob Jones' policies, and argued, as Bush also did about Bob Jones, that Ronald Reagan had done the same thing he was doing.

But where Bush later criticized Bob Jones in stringent terms after the fact, McCain continued to describe Quinn as "a man of integrity" who wasn't responsible for what appeared in his own magazine.

Though McCain's Richard Quinn connection was worse than Bush's Bob Jones faux pas, it never turned into a big deal for one simple reason:

The press let McCain get away with it, even as it held Bush's feet to the fire about Bob Jones anti-Catholic stance..

McCain Didn't Think Osama Bin Laden Was A BAD Guy in 1998!!!

Charles Black Jr.: Senior McCain campaign adviser Charlie Black has friends in low places. Black served as chair of BKSH & Associates, a lobbying firm associated with Burson-Marsteller. He had ties to the tobacco industry as well. In March 2008, Black left his BKSH position to work full time for the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain. When Senator McCain's relationship with telecom lobbyist Vicki Iseman was questioned in early 2008, Black "made the rounds of television networks to defend McCain.Black's lobbying clients at one time included

General Motors, United Technologies, JPMorgan and AT&T.
Black's relationship with McCain goes back more than twenty years, from the time McCain first came to Washington.

They got to know each other well during (former Senator Phil) Gramm's 1996 presidential run. Gramm, the architect of deregulation which led to Enron and the subprime mortgage meltdown in later years, and now an investment banker, who has lately stepped down as official adviser to McCain because under fire in the press, but Mr. Gramm continues on in an unofficial capacity as a supporter of the Bush presidential campaign..

Black drew fire recently when he suggested that a terror attack would help John McCain, but maybe we shouldn’t have been surprised. Black’s past is littered with questionable associations with comrades from a 1970s young-conservatives group that has chalked up quite a questionable record in the years since.

Black went on to co-found the National Conservative Political Action Committee, the group that put slime-slinging “independent” groups on the map. His lobbying firm became embroiled in scandal, accused of using political favors to waste taxpayer money. What binds Black’s motley array of pals is a persistent derision for the notion that government might someday be conducted on the level.

McCain has officially distanced himself from Hagee, but only after he was severely criticized for his association and had pointed a finger at Barack Obama over Obama’s association with “Pastor” Jeremiah Wright.

Jack Abramoff:Since August 2008, John McCain has stayed busy trying to escape his ties to criminal lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his shady lobbyist colleagues, including Randy Scheunemann and Ralph Reed. formerly of the Christian Coalition and involved with Karl Rove and Grover Norquist in shady influence peddling schemes to shake down clients to donate money to government officials...

The McCain campaign has been trying to gloss over the details of Scheunemann's swings between lobbying and advising McCain, often on issues of interest to recent clients, and attempting to excuse McCain's enlistment of Abramoff crony Reed to raise money. But the McCain campaign can't spin away Scheunemann's shady ties, or his influence on McCain, and they're not having any more success trying to escape the fallout over McCain's refusal to cancel his Monday fundraiser with Reed.

Randy Scheunemann served as McCain's campaign foreign policy advisor in 2000 and is back in 2008, despite lobbying in the interim. Until May, Scheunemann was lobbying for the Republic of Georgia - earning more than $800,000 in the process - yet now in August, he's advising McCain on the conflict between Georgia and Russia.

Scheunemann's other notable lobbying stints include putting his McCain ties to use in 2006 advising Greenberg Traurig, Jack Abramoff's former firm, as McCain served as chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, charged with investigating Abramoff.

Ralph Reed: McCain has also enlisted Abramoff crony Ralph Reed to raise money for his campaign. Abramoff directed at least $4.2 million to Reed as he defrauded his clients, yet as chair, McCain never called Reed to testify before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs during the Abramoff investigation. Lately,Reed's helping McCain fundraise, sending emails with the subject line "special invitation from Ralph Reed" to recruit donors to join him at McCain's fundraiser in Atlanta - and McCain is ignoring calls from nonpartisan watchdog groups to cancel the fundraiser.

Scheunemann and Reed are only two of the cast of McCain advisors and fundraisers who prove how deeply McCain embedded is in the Republican culture of corruption - and just how clear it is that McCain means more of the same old politics.
John McCain's 2008 Presidential campaign has paid over 180,000 dollars to a political consulting firm called "Richard Quinn and Associates."They are a firm located in South Carolina. The firm is named after Richard Quinn, who in 2000 was all over the news for sunning the racist tinged "Southern Partisan" magazine.Although McCain's 2008 FEC reports only indcate he paid the firm around $52,000, he also disbursed at least $90,000 to Mail Marketing Strategies, a firm run by Quinn's son. Who Is Richard Quinn?

The New York Times, Newsday, and The New Republic have raised serious questions about deeply disturbing views expressed by Mr. Quinn and others in the Southern Partisan, a magazine over which Mr. Quinn has presided as Executive Editor or Editor-in-Chief since 1981.The material we found in the past 48 hours is, if anything, even more appalling than that reported by the news media.

Mr. Quinn used his editorial platform at the Southern Partisan to personally espouse views that place him far outside the political mainstream. He has repeatedly used his column to attack heroes of the struggle for equality including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. At the same time, he has discounted the evils of slavery by suggesting that it was not as bad as it has been portrayed and that slaves were better off in slavery than out of it.

(Copies of all articles referenced in this letter and other similar ones are attached.)As recently as 1996, a Southern Partisan reviewer wrote of a book on slavery, "The greatest contribution of this work is that it exonerates slave owners by stating that they did not have a practice of breaking up slave families. If anything, they encouraged strong slave families to further the slaves' peace and happiness in order to promote efficient work."

In 1983, in a column arguing against the recognition of Martin Luther King Day, Mr. Quinn wrote:"King Day should have been rejected because its purpose is vitriolic and profane."More Information: Carl Linder .

Carl H Linder Jr., the co-host of a recent top-dollar fundraiser for Sen. McCain oversaw the payment of roughly $1.7 million to a Colombian paramilitary group that is today designated a terrorist organization by the United States. The Cincinnati billionaire businessman, was CEO of Chiquita Brands International from 1984 to 2001, and remained on the company’s board of directors until May 2002.

Beginning under his tenure, Chiquita executives paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (known by the Spanish acronym AUC), which is described by George Washington University’s National Security Archive as an "illegal right-wing anti-guerrilla group tied to many of the country’s most notorious civilian massacres."

More Information: George Wallace Jr.

McCain Campaigns for George Wallace Jr.Birmingham - U.S. Sen. John McCain promised Monday to continue to push for passage of an anti-torture amendment during a visit to Alabama to campaign for Public Service Commissioner George Wallace Jr., a candidate for lieutenant governor."

The image of the United States is suffering terribly throughout the world, terribly," the Arizona senator and former Vietnam prisoner of war said during a reception he attended on behalf of Wallace. "And if you don't believe me, ask any person in any foreign country."

McCain also made appearances Monday for Wallace in Mobile and Huntsville.

The $250-per person Birmingham reception was at The Club, where people could pay an additional $1,000 to have themselves photographed with McCain, Wallace and Wallace's wife, Elizabeth.More Information:

George Wallace Jr. Gives Major Speech to Hate GroupMONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama Public Service Commissioner George C. Wallace Jr., whose father famously vowed to defend racial segregation "forever" in a 1963 speech from the steps of the state Capitol, gave the welcoming speech to the national delegates of a white supremacist hate group meeting here on Friday.

The younger Wallace, whose résumé boasts of an NAACP Freedom Award, opened up the first day of the annual national convention of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a group whose website has referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

More Information:

Rick Davis

McCain Aide’s Firm Was Paid by Freddie MacWASHINGTON — One of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis paid $15,000 a month from the end of 2005 through last month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain’s campaign manager, according to two people with direct knowledge of the arrangement.

The disclosure undercuts a remark by Mr. McCain on Sunday night that the campaign manager, Rick Davis, had had no involvement with the company for the last several years.Mr. Davis’s firm received the payments from the company, Freddie Mac, until it was taken over by the government this month along with Fannie Mae, the other big mortgage lender whose deteriorating finances helped precipitate the cascading problems on Wall Street, the two people said.
More Information:

In 1981 John McCain sat on the board of the US Council for World Freedom, an ultra right wing group founded by Arizona Congressman and Iran Contra figure Maj. General John K. Singlaub...
Begala: It was affiliated with the World Anti-Communist league, the parent organization, which ADL [Anti-Defamation League] said has increasingly become a gathering place, the forum, the point of contact for extremist racists and anti-Semites.

John McCain was raised in an atmosphere of privilege, of wealth and of power and influence. This ultra-right wing group, IMO, is just the kind of organization his jokes would play over well with.

From The Coors Connection by Russ Bellant:When the Reagan Administration began organizing the Nicaraguan Contras in 1981, allied bu nominally private groups were formed to build support for the Contra plans.One of those groups, formed shortly after the frst Reagan inauguration, was the US Council for World Freedom, headed by Mjor General John Singlaub.

The USCWF quickly became the US branch of the World Anti-Communist League. The USCWF began building support for the Reagan policy of aiding not only the Ncaraguan Contras but RENAMO and UNITA in southern Africa and rightist Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan.

Singlaub informed CIA director William Casey and NSC staff of his actions and operated with ther consent if not under their direct influence.

One of the early USCWF financial backers was Joe Coors, according to two former USCWF treasurers. Coors shared Reagan's enthusiasm for the Contras despite early indications of the unsavory background of certain COntra leaders and reliable reports of COntra acts of brutality.

The Contras were originally known as the 15th of September Legion. Their earliest training came fmor Argentinian military intelligence, which ran death squads in that country and sponsored a Latin American conference of death squad leaders in 1980.

That death squad network was also the Latin American branch on WACL. In 1982, Argentinian intelligence worked with Moon's Unification Church and fugitive Nazi Klaus Barbie to establish a Nazi-style state in Bolivia.

“Pastor” John Hagee: John McCain has accepted the blessing of “Pastor” John Hagee, who believes the Pope is the Anti-Christ, who believes Jews are responsible for their own suffering in history due to their failure to believe correctly, and who advocates starting a war with Iran in the Middle East to ‘hasten Armageddon’; and who calls Washington “the City of Satan”. Hagee also has said “God may already have sent hurricane Katrina to punish the U.S. for its role in helping Israel remove Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip” I guess it is acceptable to advocate mass murder and be a religious bigot.

Sen. John McCain picked up the support of Texas pastor John Hagee, an evangelical Christian who has made support for the state of Israel a centerpiece of his ministry.Hagee endorsed McCain today, saying he did so because McCain is a pro-life, pro-Israel politician who has pledged to secure the country's borders.

"John McCain is a man of principle," Hagee, a televangelist and the pastor of Cornerstone Church, told reporters. "He does not stand boldly on both sides of any issue."

Hagee on Hurricane Katrina"All hurricanes are acts of God because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that." [NPR Fresh Air, 9/18/06]Hagee on Islamic BeliefsFresh Air host Terry Gross asked if Hagee believed that "all Muslims have a mandate to kill Christians and Jews," to which Hagee replied, "Well, the Quran teaches that. Yes, it teaches that very clearly." [NPR Fresh Air, 9/18/06]Hagee on African-AmericansThe San Antonio Express-News reported that Hagee was going to "meet with black religious leaders privately at an unspecified future date to discuss comments he made in his newsletter about a 'slave sale,' an East Side minister said Wednesday."

The Express-News reported:"
Hagee, pastor of the 16,000-member Cornerstone Church, last week had announced a 'slave sale' to raise funds for high school seniors in his church bulletin, 'The Cluster.' "The item was introduced with the sentence 'Slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone" and ended with "Make plans to come and go home with a slave.

" [San Antonio Express-News 3/7/96]Hagee on Catholicism"Most readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews." [Jerusalem Countdown by John Hagee]

Hagee on Women"Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick.

Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist."

[God's Profits: Faith, Fraud and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters, Sarah Posner]"[T]he feminist movement today is throwing off authority in rebellion against God's pattern for the family." ["Bible Positions on Political Issues," John Hagee]Hagee on LGBT Americans"

The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment."

[NPR Fresh Air, 9/18/06]Hagee on Iran"The coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty," Hagee wrote [in 2006] in the Pentecostal magazine Charisma. "Israel and America must confront Iran's nuclear ability and willingness to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons. For Israel to wait is to risk committing national suicide." [The Nation, 8/8/2006,]

Now of course the right wingers will have some excuse for the ties but these are only a few that I thought I would mention. There are many many more that have not listed, be educated do your research. McCain has just as many questionable ties as Obama does.

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom. -Martin Luther King, Jr."I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy." -Sen. John McCain 09/22/2008

G. Gordon Liddy
In 1971, after serving in several positions in the Nixon administration, Liddy was moved to Nixon's 1972 campaign, the Committee to Re-elect the President (officially known as "CRP" but to opponents known as CREEP), in order to extend the scope and reach of the White House "Plumbers" unit, which had been created in response to various damaging leaks of information to the press.

For his role in Watergate, which he coordinated with Hunt, Liddy was convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping, and received a 20-year sentence. He served a total of five and half years in prison, including over 100 days in solitary confinement, before his sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter and he was released on September 7, 1977.

Liddy was made to salute the Stars and Stripes Nazi-style by the nuns at his school; even now, he admits, "at assemblies where the national anthem is played, I must suppress the urge to snap out my right arm." His beloved German nanny taught him that Hitler had -- through sheer will-power -- "dragged Germany from weakness to strength."

When he listened to Hitler on the radio, it "made me feel a strength inside I had never known before," he explains. "Hitler's sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body."

The smear associating Barack to Ayers is phony, tenuous, and exaggerated, if not outright false. Here’s what’s really scary:

Liddy has acknowledged preparing to kill someone during the Ellsberg break-in "if necessary"; plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a "gangland figure" to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap "leftist guerillas" at the 1972 Republican National Convention -- a plan he outlined to the Nixon administration using terminology borrowed from the Nazis.Liddy has donated $5,000 to McCain's campaigns since 1998, including $1,000 in February 2008.

In addition, McCain has appeared on Liddy's radio show during the presidential campaign, including as recently as May. An online video labeled "John McCain On

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 11/8/07" includes a discussion between Liddy and McCain, whom Liddy described as an "old friend."

During the segment, McCain praised Liddy's "adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great," said he was "proud" of Liddy, and said that "it's always a pleasure for me to come on your program."
Google Liddy and take a look at the Watergate scandal. This is one of McCain's friends?