Thursday, July 17, 2008

Education Reform or This is Their Education

Ya but what does "tired rhetoric" in education mean ?

McCain Calls for Education Reform

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain is calling for reform in the public education system, saying there have been decades of big promises by the public education establishment but the same poor results.
McCain spoke Wednesday in Cincinnati, Ohio, to a leading civil rights group representing the interests of black Americans - the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.The veteran Arizona lawmaker said Americans have heard a lot of "tired rhetoric" about education.
My comment:

Such as The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110),

A number of federal programs aiming to improve the performance of U.S. primary and secondary schools by increasing the standards of accountability for states, school districts, and schools, as well as providing parents more flexibility in choosing which schools their children will attend.

The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades, if those states are to receive federal funding for schools.

The Act also requires that the schools distribute the name, home phone number and address of every student enrolled to military recruiters, unless the student (or the student's parent) specifically opts out.

Kind of makes one wonder why there are those that see us fighting a war for the next 40 to 100 years.

He pledged that, as president, education reform would include a choice of schools for students, alternative certification for teachers, and an expansion of a federally-funded scholarship program for low income families.

My Comment Here:

So how is this new from the same "tired rhetoric" about education we have been hearing from Bush ??

Barack Obama He praised his opponent, Democrat Barack Obama, as an "impressive" man who has inspired many Americans, but criticized the Illinois senator for opposing vouchers that allow students from low income families to move from public schools to private ones.

This same act was to provide benefits to private school.

Would you wonder why the push for private schools? Maybe this will supply some answers.

Mrs. Bush's Character and Community Initiative
Mrs. Bush's Character Education Initiative encourages schools & school districts to develop ... Family is the first place these values are learned.

Children who are prepared for reading & learning when they enter school are more likely to succeed and stay in school.

Tragically, children who do drop out of school are more than twice as likely as successful students to be unemployed, arrested, or to engage in substance abuse.

Mind you I've not seen any facts or figures to back this up.

Mrs. Bush also recognizes that schools & educators must teach more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic.

They must teach character.

Character education provides children with the tools to develop moral and ethical strength, and it plays a vital role in helping ensure that all children are prepared to succeed throughout their schooling, & in life.

Now if you will let me take a moment to introduce the one behind character first " Bill Gothard"

Some points you might want to note.

Children: Is an advocate of no birth control & strongly encourages sterilization reversals .

Heres an add for you of interest: Might even go to explain's McCain's flip in Gay adoption.or at least his views on did he support the distribution of taxpayer-subsidized condoms in Africa to fight the transmission of H.I.V.?

“Should U.S. taxpayer money go to places like Africa to fund contraception to prevent AIDS ?

First priority is on abstinence

Reproductive Health Reality Check reported today that Department of Health and Human Services is playing fast and loose with the "abortion" word. In what many consider a stunning move, the DHHS is trying to re-frame the discussion in such a way that contraception is considered abortion. I won't wax lyrical about the religio-political implications contained herein.

In a spectacular act of complicity with the religious right, the Department of Health and Human Services Monday released a proposal that allows any federal grant recipient to obstruct a woman's access to contraception.

In order to do this, the Department is attempting to redefine many forms of contraception, the birth control 40% of Americans use, as abortion. Doing so protects extremists under the Weldon & Church amendments.

Women on to submit to their husband & not work out side the home.
be totally submissive.

This comes to mind.

An off-message topic was raised from a member of McCain’s own team: national co-chairwoman Carly Fiorina, who had said earlier women often express frustration over the fact many health insurance plans that will cover Viagra but won’t cover birth control medication. Those women would like a choice,” she said .

Women on to submit to their husband & not work out side the totally submissive.

McCain's stand on or not enough info to be informed on. Or could not remember the last postion he took on the subject.

Bill Gothard believes mental illness is the result of people not taking personal responsibility for their actions.

But here’s the real show stopper: he actually includes schizophrenia in his list of illnesses that are the result of people not taking responsibility for themselves.

I guess this maybe why we are viewed as whiners to certain staff of McCain's campaign team.

Why he might not want to have answered the question about did he support the distribution of taxpayer-subsidized condoms in Africa to fight the transmission of H.I.V.?

What about grants for sex education in the United States? Should they include instructions about using contraceptives? Or should it be Bush’s policy, which is just abstinence?”

This program has been allowed into our school system.

McCains stand on adoption has changed maybe this played a part in his first stand.


Causes of Conflicts — Adopted children are affected by the sins of their natural parents, and these sins are usually very severe.”

Then he goes on to say that if the adopted child is old enough, “Explain that just as physical weaknesses are passed down through parents, so are spiritual weaknesses such as pride, lust and rejection .

As if adopted kids do not have enough hung on them as to why they where given up.

On this not Huckabee is against gays adopting so does this put him out of the running for a Vp slot?

But another question my be to explain this link.

Daily Kos: BREAKING: Mike Huckabee member of Bill Gothard cult
A responder to the thread has noted a dedicated website detailing links between Mike Huckabee & Bill Gothard which provides further evidence including ...

Daily Kos: BREAKING: G.W. Bush and Ken Blackwell Gothard cultists, too
Jan 30, 2008 ... In this recent story, we showed you the connections between the secular front of the Bill Gothard movement and President George W. Bush.

Bush’s plan for the inner cities « Thomason Tracts
Mar 30, 2008 ... I have a friend who worked at an inner-city program for kids. .... encouraging inner-city youth to play sports because it builds character, ...

Guess who that friend was ???

This must be the "tired rhetoric" about education he's referring to.

City of Obedient Character

For all its secular posturing, the Character City program is based on authoritarian, fundamentalist Christianity with ties to an evangelical organization.

And it’s seeping into government, law enforcement, public schools, businesses, and nearly every facet of Burleson civic life.

“If there are religious aspects, that’s OK. Governor Bush stressed character in the schools, and he can’t be wrong.”

The IACC was established in 1998 as a division of the Character Training Institute, a subsidiary of the Institute of Basic Life Principles, a religious organization with $80 million in assets led by evangelist Bill Gothard. The IACC generates about $1.7 million in revenue annually from the sales of training materials, and conference and speaking fees.

Although it is now legally and fiscally separate from the Illinois-based institute, IACC founder Tom Hill, CEO of oil and gas company Kimray Inc., sits on the institute’s advisory board, as does San Antonio millionaire & ultraconservative James Leininger, who spreads his considerable financial largesse among right-wing political candidates.

District, is the chairman of the board of directors; he twice recognized Gothard and the institute on the House floor and entered his hallelujahs into the Congressional Record.

Arizona State Treasurer David Petersen, a Republican, went under criminal investigation for allegedly receiving $4,000 in commissions for selling Character First! curricula to public schools & misusing state property to push the Character program. (File under Generosity: “carefully managing my resources so I can freely give to those in need.”)

Sen .McCain has a new book out, Character Is Destiny .

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