Friday, June 27, 2008

Prep for McCain's Town Hall Meetings

In the Spirit of our history that those wish to align themselves with it .

Bush's No child left behind Act stands out in the battle for the need of change let this be the first blow.

The No Voter Left Behind Act of 2008

My principles and my practice and my voting record are very clear.

Not only from 2000 but 1998 and 1992 and 1986.

And you know, it's kind of a favorite tactical ploy now that opponents use, of saying the person has changed.

Statement from McCain:

Look, none of my principles or values have changed.

Have I changed position on some specific issues because of changed circumstances? I would hope so! I would hope so.

My comment:

Would that be because of changed circumstances of whos hes addressing or the change in which he has to take after those finding another youtube clip

As in much as McCain has had problems in keeping track of things & control of the media & his staffs comments.

Not to mention his skills in computers.

I thought it only far to help him.


1. Do you think the American economy is better off now than it was 8 years ago? Explain why or why not.

2. Define for us specifically what events need to happen in Iraq in order for American troops to withdraw from this country. I don't want spin. I want specific criteria.

McCain declared that the United States is “no longer staring into the abyss of defeat.’’Instead, he said, America “can now look ahead to the genuine prospect of success.’’

My Comment here:
This seems to be inline with Bush's Mission Accomplished .
If this his view of prospect of success than I think we should head for the nearest cave and wait for the next stimulist check along with our food stamps.

Mr. McCain said the U.S. could achieve the goal of an Iraq that no longer needs American troops “perhaps sooner than many imagine,’’ but called for no withdrawals.

Gives no event that would cause pull out could be sooner than we imagine but also sees our troops there for the next 40 - 100 years

3. What role, if any, did Saddam Hussein play in the attack of September 11, 2001?

In February 2000, McCain said "As long as Saddam Hussein is in power, I am convinced that he will pose a threat to our security.

McCain supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the U.S. decision to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime

In the early 1970s, Saddam spearheaded Iraq's nationalization of the Western-owned Iraq Petroleum Company, which had long held a monopoly on the country's oil. Through the 1970s, Saddam cemented his authority over the apparatuses of government as Iraq's economy grew at a rapid pace

My coment here:

I wonder if this could have been a factor ?

In January 2005, McCain said that "one of our big problems has been the fact that many Iraqis resent American military presence. ... as soon as we can reduce our visibility as much as possible, the better I think it is going to be.

My coment here:

So we reduce our visibility by sending more troops even though they resent American military presence. I must have missed something .

4. Millions of Americans file legal documents called Statements of Net Worth which detail the assets of a couple. If you and Cindy both filed Statements of Net Worths tomorrow, how much would the total be?

McCain and Bush are millionaires who are "for tax cuts for millionaires."

Note here:

Have seen nothing as to McCain donating money toward funding for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
5. Why has Osama Bin Laden not been caught?

There should be no habeas for Osama bin Laden.
…Let me be clear, under my administration.

My comment here:
From what I have read and heard he's not been clear on a dam thing from wire tapping Economics Environmental or anything else as to just where he stands.

Osama bin Laden will either be killed on the battlefield or executed.
How can a president of the United States guarantee that someone will be executed before he has been tried or even apprehended?

I’ve never heard to such a thing before.
Hasn’t McCain heard of a mere formality called judicial due process? Or have we gotten to he point where we can dispense with that too as we have with so many of our other civil liberties

But perhaps his boldest message during today’s town hall meeting at Burlington County College was a personal promise that America would bring to justice the man responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
McCain said the key to ending the long search for bin Landen was to increase the number of human spies abroad.

My comment here:
Is that in comparsion to wire tapping Americans in our Country ?

Extremes Of JusticeBy Eli Blind Justice. Photo by mjecker. As Congress prepares to make the Bush administration's dream of retroactive telecom immunity come true, I can't help but think of the vast legal gulf between the telecoms who will never need to defend ...Firedoglake -

“We need better human intelligence. We need people who can swim in the water,” McCain said.

My comment here:
We need people with intelligence to understand it. Such as their own report of drilling new off shore wells will not have an effect on the price of oil now or even ten years from now.
Not to mention the honesty to tell the public the truth.

Another thought here is I wonder if he would have been caught by now if we had the same Resources that we have had going into the war ??

6. Do you support NCLB?
A. What do you consider the strengths of the bill? B. What do you consider the weakeness of the bill?

“We must continue our efforts to set standards and hold schools accountable for their performance.

My comment here:
Is this the same way the Bush administration giving telecoms immunity from punishment in wire tapping Americans?

These comments our from a teacher of the year conference 2007

On one hand we are thanking them for their ablity to find new ways to teach the youth of America .

On the other The current Administration telling them shut up and do as your told not listening to those we are awarding.

My comment here:
The reason they want to scrap the no child left behind act is because it doesn't raise the level of kids behind . Its bringing back the kids ahead to their level.

We are no longer teaching skills that will help the generations to come cope in a world that is dynamic and every growing.

Under the Bush administration we have lower teaching down to teaching nothing more than how to take a test.

Again McCain seems un willing to change from whats been proven not to work.

7. Recently you said that you have a hard time being proud of your country. If your name was Michelle Obama and you made such a remark, what do you think Fox News would say about that remark?

See question 41


8. You received $300,000 from Clayton Williams, a man who compared rape to the weather and said that if a woman is getting rape she might as well relax and enjoy it. Have you ever returned the $300,000 to Mr. Williams? If not, why not.

My comment here:
Of note he calls himself an anti enviromentalist.

iI wonder if this plays in to the fact he voted aganst the everyglades bill & his call for 45 new nuclear plants by 2030 cannot but remind voters of the plan to store nuclear waste at nearby Yucca Mountain.

No matter how you spin it Williams said it and the McCain campaign thought what he said was horrible enough for McCain to not attend the fundraiser that Clayton Williams was going to throw for McCain. Now that I was fine with until…. Apparently, McCain didn’t care enough to return the money that Clayton Williams donated to him. Article.

He should really be either returning that money or at least donating this to a rape victims organization.

##UPDATE## TPMreported that the fundraiser will continue late this summer and everyone that was originally on William’s list of donors to attend will be there but, not Clayton Williams.

This looks like a backdoor way to fraud to me. Clayton has already raised $300,000 for McCain and McCain won’t return the money and now Clayton’s going to raise more money.

9. Two days after September 11, 2001, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell said that America got exactly what it deserved on 9/11. Why did you actively seek the endorsement of these two men after they made these anti-American comments?


10. Explain the cultural similarities and/or differences between Shia, Sunnis, and Kurds

The split between these two significant sects of Islam can be traced back to the 600s, soon after Muhammed's death in 632. Muhammed's son-in-law, Ali, gained support as the inheritor of the duty to spread Islam.

Thus, "Shia" is an abbreviation of "Shiat Ali," or the people of Ali. Not all Muslims believed in Ali's place as a leader.

Yet this group respected Muhammed's relative as a holy man. He was not a Messiah, as there is only one Messiah. Rather, the Shi'ites regarded him as the first in a series of Imam, or the direct descendents of Muhammad who act as messengers of God.

There were 12 Imams before the bloodline died out in the 800s. Each of these Imams now has subsects devoted to their worship within Shia Islam. Shi'ites comprise 10-15% of all Muslims as the second largest sect, but that
number is higher in certain countries such as Iran.

The majority of Muslims are Sunni, the largest and more orthodox sect of Islam. Sunnis do not attach any special power to the Imam, but have a rather less structured hierarchy of religious leaders.

Some have compared their system as similar in spirit to Protestantism, where ministers are important advisers and community leaders, but they are neither infallible nor chosen by God. These leaders, called Caliphs, teach Islam. They bring peace, dignity, and goodwill to their members and encourage following the laws and guidelines laid out in the Quran.

Also, they do not rule the place of worship in the sense of excluding other kinds of Muslims. All mosques are nondenominational, and can receive prayers from any sect.


11. How would your foreign policy differ from George W Bush's if at all?


12. For over a year you solicited the support of John Hagee, who calls for the Jews destructions, who blames the Holocaust on Jews, said Hurricane Katrina was god's way of punishing the citizens of New Orlens for their sinful life, and who once referred to the Catholic Church as the Great Whore. Why did you solicit the support of John Hagee when all these comments were known prior to your solicitation

Hagee, lecturing in front of an enormous diorama. Wielding a pointer, he pokes at the image of a woman with Pamela Anderson-sized breasts, her hand raising a golden chalice.

The woman is “the Great Whore,” Mr. Hagee explains, and she is drinking “the blood of the Jewish people.” That’s because the Great Whore represents “the Roman Church,” which, in his view, has thirsted for Jewish blood throughout history, from the Crusades to the Holocaust.

Mr. Hagee is not a fringe kook but the pastor of a Texas megachurch. On Feb. 27, he stood with John McCain and endorsed him over the religious conservatives’ favorite, Mike Huckabee, who was then still in the race.

Are we really to believe that neither Mr. McCain nor his camp knew anything then about Mr. Hagee’s views?

This particular YouTube video — far from the only one — was posted on Jan. 1, nearly two months before the Hagee-McCain press conference. Mr. Hagee appears on multiple religious networks, including twice daily on the largest, Trinity Broadcasting, which reaches 75 million homes. Any 12-year-old with a laptop could have vetted this preacher in 30 seconds, tops.

Since then, Mr. McCain has been shocked to learn that his clerical ally has made many other outrageous statements.

Mr. Hagee, it’s true, did not blame the American government for concocting AIDS. But he did say that God created Hurricane Katrina to punish New Orleans for its sins, particularly a scheduled “homosexual parade there on the Monday that Katrina came.”

Mr. Hagee didn’t make that claim in obscure circumstances, either. He broadcast it on one of America’s most widely heard radio programs, “Fresh Air” on NPR, back in September 2006.

He reaffirmed it in a radio interview less than two weeks ago. Only after a reporter asked Mr. McCain about this Katrina homily on April 24 did the candidate brand it as “nonsense” and the preacher retract it.


13. Two days after 9/11, Rush Limbaugh said that in order to believe that 9/11 was an act of God, he would need to know that all the people who died on 9/11 were abortionists and civil libertarians. How would you characterize and describe these remarks?


14. What do you think of the Confederate Flag today?


15. Do you believe that the United States should be bound by the terms and conditions of the Geneva Convention which it signed? Explain why or why not.

My comment here:

Being McCain doesn't believe water boarding is torture I guess the best way to help him with this issues is give the meaning to start with.

1 a: Anguish of body or mind : agony b: something that causes agony or pain 2: the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure.

Next would be to describe and explain water boarding.

Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on their back with the head inclined downward—known as the Trendelenburg position—and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages.

Through forced suffocation and inhalation of water, the subject experiences the process of drowning and is made to believe that death is imminent.

In contrast to merely submerging the head face-forward, waterboarding almost immediately elicits the gag reflex.

Although waterboarding does not always cause lasting physical damage, it carries the risks of extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation, injuries (including broken bones) due to struggling against restraints, and even death.

The psychological effects on victims of waterboarding can last for years after the procedure.

Waterboarding was used for interrogation at least as early as the Spanish Inquisition to obtain information, coerce confessions, punish, and intimidate.

It is considered to be torture by a wide range of authorities, including legal experts, politicians, war veterans, intelligence officials, military judges, and human rights organizations.

Despite its long use as a technique, the first actual use of the term "waterboarding" in the media occurred on May 13, 2004, in the New York Times.

In 2007 waterboarding led to a political scandal in the United States when the press reported that the CIA had waterboarded extrajudicial prisoners and that the Justice Department had authorized this procedure.

The CIA is known to have used waterboarding on at least three Al-Qaida suspects: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.


16. Several months ago a Republican you know well said that quote "You can't unite the Republican Party."

That Republican happens to be your own mother.

My question is, what does your smart lovely mom know that your campaign manager and campaign staffers have yet to realize?


17. How did you celebrate your 69th Birthday? Who were you with at the time and what kind of cake did you eat? What major event was occurring at this time?


18. What is your favorite amendment to the Constitution and why?


19. If government run health care is a bad idea, then why have you chosen to receive government run health care for the last 50 years of your life?


20. Sean Hannity, a neo nazi white supremacist who runs for profit scam concerts exploiting military families, once said that preventing Nancy Pelosi from being the Speaker of the House is "worthy dying for," a man who agrees with Ann Coulter when she said she wants to kill billions of people and blow up the NY Times building, who had a long standing relationship with a Nazi named Hal Turner, and who sided with Jesse Lee Peterson when Peterson advocated that Hitler was sent to get the Jews, claims to be the biggest surrogate of what he calls the Stop Obama Express? Do you support the endorsement and support of the radical jihadist extremist Sean Hannity or do you want to denounce and reject this hate monger right here and right now.


21. You are on record as supporting civil unions for gay couples. You are also on record as opposing civil unions for gay couples. What is the position of the Straight Talk Express on civil unions today?


22. Approximately how many years ago do you believe the earth was first created?


23.Why did you vote against emergency funding for the victims of Hurricane Katrina?

My comment here:

One Explanation is he's in line with John Hagee, who calls for the Jews destructions, who blames the Holocaust on Jews, said Hurricane Katrina was god's way of punishing the citizens of New Orlens for their sinful life.

But McCain’s record on Hurricane Katrina suggests that he was part of the problem, not the solution.

McCain was on Face the Nation on August 28, 2005, as Katrina gathered in the Gulf Coast. He said nothing about it.

One day later, when Katrina made landfall in Louisiana, McCain was on a tarmac at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, greeting President Bush with a cake in celebration of McCain’s 69th birthday.

Three days later, with the levees already breached and New Orleans filling with water, McCain’s office released a three-sentence statement urging Americans to support the victims of the hurricane.

Though McCain issued a statement the next week calling on Congress to make sacrifices in order to fund recovery efforts, he was quoted in

The New Leader on September 1 cautioning against over-spending in support of Katrina’s victims. “We also have to be concerned about future generations of Americans,” he said.

“We’re going to end up with the highest deficit, probably, in the history of this country.”

My comment here:

This said after Bush leading this counrty into a war based on lies and half truths. Creating a debt the next several generations will be paying for.

That attitude was borne out in McCain’s actions and votes. Forty Senators and 100 members of Congress visited New Orleans before he did; he finally got there in March 2006.

He voted against establishing a Congressional commission to examine the Federal, State, and local responses to Katrina in med-September 2005.

He repeated that vote in 2006. He voted against allowing up to 52 weeks of unemployment benefits to people affected by the hurricane, and in 2006 voted against appropriating $109 billion in supplemental emergency funding, including $28 billion for hurricane relief.

Shortly after the disaster in New Orleans, McCain did introduce a bill that sought to improve communications mechanisms for first-responders and authorities. The bill failed to go anywhere, and McCain later voted against other bills that had similar provisions.

McCain may talk sympathetically about New Orleans’ recovery this week, but the record shows that when it mattered most, McCain failed to act. His passion for fiscal conservatism blinded him to a city and a region in need, and his Time for Action is simply too late.

My comment here:

It might be asked what happened to the money set aside to keep up the dams and dikes?


24. Do you believe that HMO bureaucrats and insurance bean counters should be making medical decisions or are these decisions best left in the hands of doctors and patients? Explain.

My comment here:

I think this takes an active roll in answering this Question

"Moral refusal laws": not just for pharmacists, but EMTs, doctors, and nurses"


25. A few months ago you starting singing Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran to the tune of the Beach Boys. If you become President, when does this bombing begin?

26. Your chief campaign strategist Charlie Black said that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was helpful to the Republican Party. How was the assassination of Ms. Bhutto helpful to the Republican Party?

The controversy erupted Monday, when Fortune magazine ran an article about Mr. McCain in which Mr. Black was quoted as saying that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December was an "unfortunate event" which helped the campaign in New Hampshire because “it reemphasized that this is the guy who’s ready to be commander-in-chief.”

The magazine added that when it asked Mr. Black about the effect of another domestic terror attack, he conceded “with startling candor” that it would help Mr. McCain, quoting him as saying, “Certainly it would be a big advantage to him.”

Mr. McCain also distanced himself from the remarks.
“I cannot imagine why he would say it. It’s not true,” Mr. McCain said at a news conference on Monday. “I’ve worked tirelessly since 9/11 to prevent another attack on the United States of America.”


27. Osama Bin Laden attacked America in 2001. It's now seven years later. Why hasn't George W Bush found Bin Laden?


28. Do you believe creationism should be taught in science classes in public schools? If yes, whose version of creationism would be taught?


Has the national debt increased or decreased under George W Bush's presidency? By how much?

George W. Bush sen.. had been in office since January 20, 2001. During the 6 years and 8 months that he has been in office, the National Debt had increased $3.2 trillion dollars.
An interesting note is the National Debt has increased by twice as much during the 6 years and 8 months that the current Bush has been in office,

No wonder there is so little public support for John McCain.

Every time the senator opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. With gas prices making US families feel poorer than ever, it’s amazing the presidential hopeful could be so callous ::

Reporter: “When was the last time you pumped your own gas and how much did it cost?”

MCCAIN: “Oh, I don’t remember. Now there’s Secret Service protection. But I’ve done it for many, many years. I don’t recall and frankly, I don’t see how it matters.”

My comment here :
Some might call this out of touch


30. Do you think America should abide by the Kyoto Treaty? If not, what changes would you like to see implemented?

The Kyoto Treaty is a protocol to the international Framework Convention on Climate Change with the objective of reducing greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
It was adopted on 11 December 1997 by the 3rd Conference of the Parties, which was meeting in Kyoto, and it entered into force on 16 February 2005. As of June 2008, 182 parties have ratified the protocol. Of these, 36 developed cg countries (plus the EU as a party in its own right) are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels specified for each of them in the treaty (representing over 61.6% of emissions from Annex I countries), [1][2] with three more countries intending to participate.[3] One hundred thirty-seven (137) developing countries have ratified the protocol, including Brazil, China and India, but have no obligation beyond monitoring and reporting emissions. The United States has not ratified the treaty. Among various experts, scientists, and critics, there is debate about the usefulness of the protocol, and there have been cost-benefit studies performed on its usefulness.

My comment here:

McCain thinks we should sign only if on our terms.

He goes on to say it should be a world issue but sets conditions to hep solve the problem.


31. In 2007 you said that you look to Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower as models. Why isn't the name George W Bush on that list?


32. According to the United States Energy Administration, if a law was passed tomorrow permitting offshore drilling in areas not already leased to the oil companies, the first speck of oil would not reach the marketplace until 2030, why risk destroying America's coastlines for a few drops of oil in 2030?

My comment here:
One can not help but wonder if the enviroment is a 2nd front of importance.
1. Being they have the data to say drilling new wells off shore not going to have an effect.
2. Being the real thing that will have an effect the gas prices closing the Enron Loophole he's voted against.
3. His push towards for 45 new nuclear plants by 2030 cannot but remind voters of the plan to store nuclear waste at nearby Yucca Mountain.
And the link between Clayton Williams calling himself an anti enviromentalist.


33. In 2007 you voted against giving the citizens of the District of Columbia representation in the United States Senate. Why should the nearly 700,000 American citizens living in the District of Columbia be denied suffrage?


34. In 1999 you said that Nafta has had an "unambigously positive effect on the United States." Do you still believe that to be the case in 2008? Explain why or why not.


35. Did you ever curse at a Senate colleague while on the job? If yes, how many different colleagues have you cursed at?


36. Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with any member of Congress. If yes, how many physical altercations did you get into with any member of Congress.


37. Going back to the Keating Five scandal, you said "I did it for no other reason than I valued Keating's support." Isn't this another way of saying that you are simply a politician for sale who will flip flop to the highest bidder?


38. Do you think George W Bush did everything possible to prevent 9/11 from happening? If no, what do you think George W Bush should have been done differently?


39. Senator, you voted against the Equal Pay Act for women. Please articulate
your reasoning behind your opposition to equal pay for equal work?

My Comment here;
He did not answer as to why he was not there to vote on it.

Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) skipped the vote on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which “restores the longstanding interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,” overturned last year by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling.

In New Orleans today, McCain explained his opposition to the bill by claiming it “opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems.”

Later in New Orleans, he added that instead of legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay, they simply need “education and training“:

“They need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else,” McCain said. “And it’s hard for them to leave their families when they don’t have somebody to take care of them

“It’s a vicious cycle that’s affecting women, particularly in a part of the country like this, where mining is the mainstay; traditionally, women have not gone into that line of work, to say the least,” he said.

The issue is not “education and training.” When denied equal pay by her supervisor, Lilly Ledbetter was doing the exact same job as her male counterparts and received numerous performance-based awards.

McCain has a long record of failure on women’s issues, earning him a 0 percent rating from NARAL ProChoice America six years in a row, from 2001-2007.


40. You once said that you wanted to expel 3.2 members of from this country. Regardless of this group's politics, do you think it is American to call for expelling 3.2 members of an organization from the country merely because you don't like their politics or approve of an ad that they run?

My comment here:
I wonder if McCain would want to expel these members from our country because they don;t agree with his politics.
Or he would not approve of this ad.
Being that its the charge of the older generation to try to provide a better future to this country's youth .
One in which conmunication is perfered over not talking unless they agree fully to our terms.
From a stand point of history one has to worry about military at schools .
Iit seems to me another such leader allowed the same tactics.
Add to this the meesage we are sending them that are brand of torture is not really torture


41. What do you think of a presidential candidate who would, regardless of the context, go on record as saying that he or she finds it tough to be proud of America at times?


42. Karl Rove donated the maximum $2300 to your campaign during the primary. He also has been an informal advisor for your campaign. If Karl Rove offered his services to be a campaign strategist for your campaign for free, would you hire him? Why or why not?

Karl Rove last week announced that he had given $2300 to the presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain.

Asked over the weekend about the donation, McCain said he has "always respected Karl Rove as one of the smart great political minds I think in American politics," and specifically refused to condemn Rove's hyper-partisan campaign tactics (including his smears against McCain in the 2000 South Carolina race).

My comment here:
Would this the same campaign tactics (including his smears as we are seeing in his campaign against Obama?
And is he coordnating them from experiece?


43. What is your relationship with Richard Quinn?

John McCain's South Carolina Presidential campaign head Richard M. Quinn, another Hagee.

As people may remember, John McCain got a lot of political heat over the employee of Richard Quinn, editor of the Southern Partisan, as the director of his South Carolina campaign in 2000.

Later Quinn left the editorship and some erroneous information is circulating out there that the Southern Partisan doesn't exist anymore. It does exist and seems to be doing as well as ever.

Another piece of misinformation that seems to be out there, is that Richard Quinn is no longer associated with the Southern Partisan.

Quinn is still involved with the Southern Partisan, he is one of two owners of Southern Partisan.

In the Vol. 24 No. 5, Sept./Oct. 2004, published date Oct. 2005, on page 34, has a statement of circulation. In the statement of circulation the owners are given as Charles Hamel, and Richard M. Quinn. The Southern Partisan now has a dual dating system, one date given is an "official" date and the other is a published date.

John McCain never has rejected Richard M. Quinn despite the expose' of the Southern

It seems odd that Obama is questioned about Farrakhan, but McCain is not questioned about Quinn.

John McCain's 2008 Presidential campaign has paid over 180,000 dollars to a political consulting firm called "Richard Quinn and Associates."

They are a firm located in South Carolina. The firm is named after Richard Quinn, who in 2000 was all over the news for sunning the racist tinged "Southern Partisan" magazine.

Although McCain's 2008 FEC reports only indcate he paid the firm around $52,000, he also disbursed at least $90,000 to Mail Marketing Strategies, a firm run by Quinn's son.

One would think John McCain had figured out that paying this guy a lot of money from his campaign warchest was a bad idea. But, no. He didn't learn the lessons of 2000.

This is the man to whom John McCain is paying a large sum of money to provide political consulting services.

A man who, in 2000, dressed up a bunch of McCain supporters in confederate uniforms to pass out literature in South Carolina to "reassure" wingnut white voters that McCain supported the Confederate flag.

A stance, ironically, disavowed by "straight talking" McCain after the election.
And Quinn's consulting firm has also been investigated for allegedly breaking election laws.

This is all evidence that "straight talking" McCain will do, pay or say anything to achieve his decades long dream of becoming President


44. If you had a choice between voting for Barack Obama for President or Pastor John Hagee, who would you vote for and why?


45. What do the terms strict constructionist and judicial activism mean to you?


46. When talking about Asians, you said, "I hate the gooks." You also opposed the MLK Holiday, one of only a few members of Congress to do so. You also are supported by Chuck Norris and xenophobic groups like the Minutemen in Arizona, people and groups who harbor vicious hatred against Hispanics. Why do you think the Washington media has never told the American public about these extremist comments, votes, and associations of yours?

My comment here:
When adressing them did you call them gooks ?
Or tell them the levels of torture that was alright if they had done at the time of your Confinement as Prisoner of war ?
If you did I most have missed it. In other issues you state that you got over it to explain you change. Some how calling them gooks don't back up this postion.


47. Gas prices were under $1.50 when Bill Clinton left office, today gas prices are nearing $5 a gallon. Who is to blame for this if anybody and what do you feel are the reasons behind this massive increase in gas prices the last 8 years?


48. Over the past 8 years, the Supreme Court has rendered many 5-4 decisions on important issues of the day. What are three 5-4 decisions of the past 8 years that you agreed with the majority and name three 5-4 decisions of the past 8 years where you agreed with the minority. Then please explain why you feel the majority or minority was correct in its judicial interpretation.


49. In March of 2005 you voted against closing 11 billion dollars worth of corporate loopholes when that money would have been invested in education. If you could revote on this issue today, how would you vote and why?

My Comment here:
Maybe this why.

In a single step They could be closing the Enron Loophole --- Congress and George Bush could create an overnight drop in oil prices of between 25 and 50 percent. This is according to testimony before a Senate Committee two weeks ago by Michael Greenberger, the former director of Trading &

Markets for the Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC), the government board that oversees commodities markets.

"Yes," Greenberger testified, "overnight [closing the Enron Loophole] will bring down the price of crude oil to get at least a 25 percent drop in the cost of oil and a corresponding drop in the cost of gasoline. Some people estimate 50 percent."

Greenberger's testimony was brought to light by an investigation into the Enron Loophole by Keith Olbermann on MSNBC's "Countdown" last week. (A transcript of Olbermann's report follows.)

The Enron Loophole is the nickname for a provision written into the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA) of 2000 that was drafted by lobbyists for Enron and inserted in the bill by then Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas) that deregulated an aspect of the market Enron sought to exploit with its "Enron On-Line" trading program, the first Internet-based commodities transaction system. Phil Gramm is now a key economic adviser for the John McCain campaign.

While it was a technical success, Enron On-Line was based on a flawed business model that drained corporate revenues --- even while the company was manipulating the rates consumers paid for electricity in California. Enron On-Line eventually drove the company into bankruptcy, and the cooking of the books to hide its losses led to charges of conspiracy and fraud against Enron executives.

The Republicans' sudden rollout of the campaign to lift the ban on offshore drilling is really meant to shift the blame from Bush and the GOP to the Democrats and their opposition to offshore drilling.

To their credit, they have done a masterful job --- and all it has cost them is the credibility of Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who broke tradition in the state and came out in favor of lifting the ban.

(It has also cost whatever meager credibility Crist's predecessor, Jeb Bush, had left. Bush opposed lifting the ban when he was in office but came out wholeheartedly in favor of it this weekend.)


50. George W Bush has said that he will do anything to help you win his Third Term. What would you like him to do to help you?


51. In 2004 you said that Aung Sun Sui Kyi and the people of Burma would rule themselves one day. In 2008 you hired a man to run the GOP National Convention who was also the CEO of DCI, a group that lobbied on behalf of the military junta of Myaanmar/Burma. Did you know who this man was when you hired him? If not, why not?


52. Do you believe the bible to be the literal word of god, a book inspired by god but not to be taken literally, or a book written by man which claims to be that of God's? Feel free to elaborate.


53. Who was a better President, Bill Clinton or George W Bush?


54. Scott McClellan, Bush's former White House secretary, has released a book that alleges that Bush knowingly mislead the country into war in Iraq based on lies. Regardless of Mr. McClellan's motives for writing the book, I have a very specific question. If Mr. McClellan's allegations happen to be true, should George W Bush be prosecuted for war crimes?


55. Do you believe it is proper for taxpayers to spend millions of dollars bailing out a company like Bears Stearns when ordinary small business owners who go out of business never receive such a subsidy?


56. Why did George W Bush and Pervez Musharaf give safe haven to Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan?


57. In October of 2004, you implied that an attack by Osama Bin Laden would help George Bush. In June of 2008, your chief campaign strategist Charlie Black said that a terrorist attack would help your candidacy for President. Do you really believe that an attack on American soil would help Republicans given that it was the Republicans who failed to prevent September 11?


58. In 2007 you stated that 527s need to be eliminated. Will you condemn and reject any 527 that tries to run ads in 2008 on your behalf as Barack Obama has promised to do?


59. How can you pay for a war, cut taxes for millionaires and balance a budget at the same time?


60. How would you address the problem of global warming?


61. What is your opinion of James Dobson?


62. Explain the difference between Shia and Sunni?


63. If a Democrat running for office said that he or she found it tough to be proud of America, regardless of the context, how do you think Fox News and right wing talk radio would react?


64. Do you think the Dixie Chicks are owed an apology by those who attacked them a few years ago? Why or why not?


65. According to members of your own party, the Republican party brand name is in the toilet. Only 29% of Americans have a favorable view of the Republican party. Why do you think the Republican party brand name is in the toilet?


66. Do you think Ross Perot should be reimbursed by you for the medical bills he paid for your first wife's injury? Why or why not?


67. How would you protect America's coastlines from erosion?


68. If Roe v. Wade was overturned and a woman then had an abortion, what criminal or civil penalties would you impose on her?


69. Should men and women be having sex before marriage? If not, why not?


70. What kind of sex education do you believe should be taught in high schools if any?

My Comment here:

Another direct indication that he intends to follow the same polices of the Bush .

While on the campaign trail, John McCain name dropped one of the few dastardly characters of My Pet Virus– Dr. Tom Coburn. This is the gynocologist who says condoms don't work and was appointed to the Presidential Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS by President Bush.

The Political Voices of Women
Opinion and Commentary of Over 400 Women Political Bloggers

On June 1st, The Washington Post reported that a new lobby is gearing up to increase support among parents to strenghten an already failed policy: Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education Programs.

The article, entitled “U.S. Campaign to Promote Abstinence Begins,” details the recent effort by the National Abstinence Education Association to enlist the support of one million parents and convince Congress to continue its funding of Abstinence-Only programs in public middle and high schools.

Despite evidence-based research which shows Abstinence-Only programs to be ineffective and riddled with misinformation in many cases, Congress has continued to increase funding for these programs each year.

Before July 1st of this year, Congress will decide whether to increase this funding stream yet again for Abstinence-Only education programs to the tune of $190 million.

A total of seventeen states, including New Jersey and Arizona, have declined federal funding for Abstinence-Only education programs in recent years, citing the flaws of the Abstinence-Only curricula which are often incongruent with individual state core education standards.
Polls across the country continue to show that parents, educators, practitioners, and researchers support an integrated approach to sexuality education for young people, most commonly known as Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs, which discuss both abstinence and contraception methods.

To learn more information about research findings on current sexuality education dynamics in the US, visit the Guttmacher Institute website at

For more information on why states have refused to accept Abstinence-Only funding, visit the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) website at

ACLU: Funding for Abstinence-only Programs Must End

"Young people deserve the truth. At some point, everyone is faced with important decisions about their sexuality.

We do young people no favors by censoring information and failing to give them all the tools they need to make well-informed decisions.

More than anything, we want them to have all the facts, and we want them to be safe."
Through CBAE, the Department of Health and Human Services distributes grants to community-based organizations that provide abstinence-only education programs in schools in compliance with a strict eight-point definition of abstinence. Title V is a federal and state matching program, under which states contribute three dollars for every four federal dollars, and from that pot of money, distribute grants to organizations to provide an unambiguous abstinence-only message in schools.

Programs receiving funds from either source may not endorse, promote, or provide information about contraceptive use, except to emphasize their (often exaggerated) failure rates.


71. Describe your relationship with Rod Parsley over the past 5 years.

Rod Parsley, John McCain's 'Spiritual Guide'
A number of media outlets have picked up on John McCain’s embrace of fringe televangelist John Hagee, although (thanks in part to the Catholic League’s efforts)
The focus has been on Hagee’s anti-Catholic sentiment rather than the pastor’s far-right political views or his obsession that Israel must be defeated by a Russian-Arab military alliance, perhaps preceded by a U.S. invasion of Iran,
In order to usher in Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus.

But few have paid attention to the other far-right televangelist McCain embraced last week, Rod Parsley.

You won’t hear Parsley rail against Catholics, but you will hear him rail against gays, abortion, Islam, judges, and People For the American Way.
And in Ohio, he has built a political machine of partisan “Patriot Pastors” who will turn their churches into get-out-the-vote campaigns.

YES/NO Questions

1. Were WMDS ever found in Iraq from 2003 through 2008?



2. Did you ever say the following, "Chelsea Clinton is ugly, her father is Janet Reno."


3. Can waterboarding ever be torture?



4. Should abortion be legal in cases of rape or incest?


5. Do you believe that torture has taken place at Guantanamo Bay within the last 5 years?

It depend's on what he views as torture.


6. Should abortion be legal in cases in which the mother's life would be endangered by further continuance of the pregnancy?


7. Back in 2000 you described Pat Robertson as an agent of intolerance. In 2008 you welcome Pat Robertson's support. Is Pat Robertson still an agent of intolerance?


8. Barack Obama says that his tax plan will cut middle class taxes. Is he telling the truth on this, yes or no?


9. Do you believe that companies such as Exxon-Mobil or Shell should be given no bid contracts in Iraq to take over the Iraqi people's oil fields?


10. Did you ever vote against emergency relief aid for the victims of Hurricane Katrina? Again, the answer is yes or no.

Yes see above question


11. Have you ever voted against a GI Bill for our soldiers in the last 3 years?

McCain Takes Credit for GI Bill He OpposedNot only did John...McCain Takes Credit for GI Bill He Opposed. Not only did John McCain miss the vote on Webb’s GI bill, he actively opposed it as overly generous. But little things like facts don’t get in the way of McCain.some good thing -


12. Did you ever criticize Bill Clinton in 1998 when Bill Clinton tried to get Osama Bin Laden?


13. Do you believe that HMO bureaucrats should have any say in the medical treatment or care of a patient?


Short Answers For Information Purposes

1. Who was your bookkeeper when you were implicated in the Keating Five scandal?

2. What score, from 0-100, did the League of Conservation voters give you in 2007 for your votes on the environment?

3. How many homes do you own?

4. How many of the 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001 came from Iraq or Iran?

5. How often do you watch Fox News in a given week?

6. Who did you vote for in the general election in 2000 and 2004?


7. Mr. McCain, I have a short question. What major presidential candidate has had the most lobbyists working for his campaign in American history?

My Answer not short
Charles R. Black Jr., the senior adviser to Republican John McCain whose work for foreign dictators has led Democrats to call for his ouster, is not the only lobbyist in the family volunteering on the senator from Arizona's presidential campaign.

Black "served as senior advisor to President George BushAt the lobbying firm, Black was " principal legislative & public affairs advisor to several Fortune 500 companies & trade associations.Black's "ties with the Bush family go back to 1972, when he & Karl Rove were jockeying for control of the College Republicans in a campaign so dirty that George Bush, then head of the Republican National Committee, had to step in & sort matters out.

His wife, Judy Black, is a national co-chair of the fundraising group "Women for McCain," & she has a vibrant lobbying practice that includes a foreign client and several companies with business before the Senate Commerce Committee, where McCain is a senior member.

Judy Black works at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, a firm that earned $12.9 million in lobbying fees last year. She is listed as an agent of Dubai Aerospace Enterprises, whose partners include the government of Dubai, according to forms filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Since 2004, she has also represented telecomunications companies AT&T and Global Crossing Ltd., which have matters before the Commerce Committee. Do some research for your self to see who these Lobbyist worked for. For half a decade in the 1980s, Black was also Jonas Savimbi's man in the capital city.

His lobbying firm received millions from the brutal Angolan guerrilla leader & took advantage of Black's contacts in Congress and the White HouseJustice Department records that Black's firm submitted under the Foreign Agents Registration Act detail frequent meetings with lawmakers & their staffs and lavish spending by Black & his partners as they attempted to ensure support for Savimbi, whose UNITA movement was fighting the Marxist Angolan government.

In addition to Savimbi, Black & his partners were at times registered foreign agents for a remarkable collection of U.S.-backed foreign leaders whose human rights records were sometimes harshly criticized, even as their opposition to communism was embraced by American conservatives.

They included Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Nigerian Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre, and the countries of Kenya and Equatorial Guinea, among othersThe Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) is a government-owned holding company operating through six subsidiaries: aircraft manufacturing; aircraft servicing; airport development and management; aircraft leasing & financing; aerospace education; aerospace technology incubator and consulting.Saudi billionaire buys first A380 'Flying Palace' -

Times OnlineNov 12, 2007 Dubai Aerospace Enterprise signed letters of intent for 100 planes

With the backing of Dubai’s ruling family, DAE was established with AED55.1 billion (USD15 billion) in start-up capital & a mission to establish a presence for the Aerospace industry to the Middle East.McCain’s camp putting out any thing that promotes Obama as having family with Far East ties.

McCain’s political family tree shows a much more in focus view of just who’ has connections to the Far East.

This also figures into this equation.

McCain made big deal in past how does the national co-chair of Women for McCain get a pass? holdersAmlak FinanceDubai International Capital Istithmar World capital


8. Aproximately what percentage of the time did you vote with George W Bush in 2007 and 2008?


9. Name all jobs you have held in the private sector since 1958?


10. What was the value of the American dollar against the Euro prior to George W Bush being President and what is the value of the American dollar against the Euro today?


11. Do you consider Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Bill O'Reilly to be part of the mainstream of American politics or outside the mainstream of American politics?


12. What kind of car have you driven in the past 3 years?


13. What was your nickname in high school?
